'Level ONE | NO load bearing, ALL seated | Energizing STRETCHES Killer Bs, this is one of the most versatile 5-minute workouts ever - you can use it as a WARM UP, a COOL DOWN, or an energizing BREAK in the middle of a long day at your desk! We\'re staying in our chairs, but getting a fantastic full body STRETCH with gentle mobility exercises. No load bearing, safe for work, super quick. EXERCISES: Arm Circles T, I, Upside Down W Twisting Torso Single Leg Stretch Pretzel Stretch More 5-minute Friday FIX videos ➭ http://bit.ly/5minFIX // FOLLOW
Tags: home workout , Pahla B , Pahla Bowers , office workout , workout at work , seated stretch , Desk Yoga , energizing seated stretch , seated stretching workout , seated warm up , seated cool down , desk break workout , desk chair workout
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